Poker is one of the most popular table games in the world and Texas Hold’em is one of the most popular variations. In the last few years, poker games have increased in popularity and people who had never experienced playing poker before found themselves playing the game and enjoying it.
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Well, the next step to enjoying poker is knowing what you’re doing and what you’re saying. Here are some of the most interesting poker terms out there:
Baby: a low-ranked card that is also referred to as a “spoke when between ace and five
Berry patch: a game filled with unskilled players
Bone: a chip of small denomination
Cheese: a poor hand
Dirty stack: a stack of chips that has a chip of the wrong denomination mixed in
Dog: the underdog in a poker game
Donk or donkey: Epithet for an inexperienced, unskilled or foolish poker player
Down to the felt: all in or having lost all of one’s money
Family pot: a deal in which every seated player calls the opening bet
Float: to call a bet with an inferior hand, intending to bluff during a later betting round
Grinder: a player who earns a living making small profits over a long period of time
Hammer: to bet and raise aggressively
Here kitty kitty: a small bet made with a powerful hand intended to get a call from opponents who would fold to a normal sized bet
Hit and run: to play for a short time, win and leave
Hollywood: overacting to deceive opponents
Horse: a player backed financially by another
Jack it up: another term for raising
Jam: to open or raise the maximum amount allowed
Loose cannon: a player who is not afraid to put money in the pot and gambles a lot
Paint: the face cards in a deck or in Texas Hold’em, a flop can be called “all paint”
Push: to put yourself all in
Rabbit hunt: to reveal the last card that would have come up in a community card game with a fixed number of cards when the hand has ended
Rags: worthless cards
Ram and jam: to aggressively bet, raise and reraise
Rock: a tight player
Rush: a number of wins in a row
Slow roll: to delay showing a hand at showdown, forcing other players to expose first
Speeding: to play very loose with no obvious pattern or strategy
Splash the pot: throwing chips into the pot and confusing opponents and dealers about the amount
Steam: to play recklessly when frustrated
Stuck: having lost money
Throwing a party: a player who is playing like a fool and throwing their money away is described this way
Wash: to mix the deck by spreading cards face down on the table and mixing them around
To learn more poker jargon, visit It will make your game more interesting and impress your friends and family.
Cyman Harrison writes for several Texas Holdem websites that offers resources to help poker players improve their skills. Do you want to WIN more at Texas Holdem?
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